e-textile Sound and Music

Adrian + Martin

In this hands-on workshop we will explore popular strategies for making sound and music and how they might work well in e-textile designs. We will make sound using analog circuits (555 and 556 timers), Arduino 32u4s (Lilypad USB, beetle) and faster ARM based chips (Teensy 3.x). We will also look at how to bridge from e-textiles to high quality/complexity sound synthesis via MIDI and OSC. We will also see how sound transducers such as speakers and microphones can be built intrinsically with textiles.

There are no prerequisites for the class, but if you prepare the following you will gain 30 mins more time to play at the workshop: Installation of Arduino 1.8.5 and Teensyduino on your laptop; Building a simple electronics project with a breadboard or solderless breadboard (10+ connections). Materials will be provided and the microcontrollers will be loaned.



Image from Lara Grant’s How to Build a Mini-Synth from the 2015 eTextile Swatch Exchange

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