March 31st
Everyone brought materials and equipment for themselves and others to use. On top of what we brought and purchased we were sponsored by several incredible companies. We started unpacking materials and setting up the different workspaces: sewing, ironing, printing, weaving, knitting, and CNC. The spaces for the exhibit and workshops also got set up and ready for the participants coming tomorrow!
March 30th
Packing Up and Shipping Out
On Friday morning Liza and I played car Tetris and won. Nicole, Sasha, Pauline (organizer of eTextile SummerCamp), Liza and I all drove up from NYC to Wassaic, NY!
We got a welcome tour of the Wassaic Project where eTextile Spring Break is held and explored the grounds while planning the final layout of Spring Break.
Thanks to Pauline Vierne the opportunity to snap a picture for our next album cover was not lost on us.
Settling in and getting to computer things.
We have been looking forward to this week and are excited to see everyone soon!