Kalamazoo is the closest location to most public transportation. It is a 20 min ride from Kalamazoo to Vicksburg, so we will plan to do several pickups from Kalamazoo. We will send out another travel survey in September, to coordinate pick-up times, based on everyone’s travel plans.


From Detroit (Metro Area) to Kalamazoo

Greyhound Bus

Timetable for October 2nd

Hoosier Ride

Timetable for October 2nd

Indian Trails

Timetable for October 2nd


Timetable for October 2nd

From Detroit (Airport) to Kalamazoo

261 Bus from Detroit Airport to the Amtrak station at the Dearborn Transit Center, to transfer to the Wolverine.

Amtrak Timetable for October 2nd

Or you can take the 261 bus to Detroit Metro Area and connect to one of the buses listed above.


From Chicago (Metro Area) to Kalamazoo

Wolverine Amtrak

Timetable for October 2nd